By 4:00 PM Night shift coordinator comes to Shelter site to ensure all is ready for the evening, a reminder call has been made to all volunteers the day prior, and if planned, reminder calls also to the provider of the evening meal and the morning breakfast.
1 - Between 4:30 PM and 7:00 PM during Jan & Feb., people wishing to be guests for the night will gather at a designated location in Mount Airy
2 - Guests will be welcomed by the greeting staff, asked specific and pre-determined questions to assist in making certain guests are familiar/comfortable with the (RITI) process and guidelines. These questions are also to help determine if a guest is deemed to be in danger to himself or others. In which case, that guest will be referred to the hospital via MAPD and not allowed to be transported to RITI.
3 – Guests will be transported to the Shelter Site (First Presbyterian) arriving by no earlier than 6:30 PM. Night Shift Volunteers arrive no later than 5:30 PM.
4 – Upon arrival each guest will be asked to register their name, check any baggage they have in a secure area where it will be available to the guest upon check out, then find a place at the table to eat after washing up prior to eating (if a meal has been provided that evening.)
5 – Each guest will be issued a mat, blanket, pillow and toiletry bag and will be instructed in which area to choose his/her space. (Men in one room, women/children in a different room= both with access to restrooms)
6 – If meal is provided, guests will gather, have a blessing, be served at the same time. As guests are eating any welcome words, review of routine schedule & guidelines (including smoking restrictions). Allow guests 30-40 minutes to eat. No guest will be allowed to arrive after 7:00 PM.
7 – Encourage guests to take turns using the restrooms, (hygiene products are available) preparing for lights out.
8- After staff cleans up from meal (guests will assist), any after-meal activity may be set up.
Allowing for guests to participate or not. Adjust depending on age, gender & capabilities of guests
9 – Lights out at specific time; advise what the wake-up time is and how they will be awakened. (Music? Voice?)
10. – Staff are expected to be attending in each sleeping room and change places every few hours. This ensures all guests that safety will be maintained for persons and belongings.
11. Depending on type of breakfast, if cooking or preparing “to-go”, staff begin the morning process at 5:00 AM. Preparing the seated or take-away breakfasts (or receive the donated meals and prepare for distribution)
12: Make sure all guests are up by 5:45 AM, folding mats, and any other issued items.
By 6:15 AM, One volunteer checks off the return of items by each guest
13. By 6:30 AM, all guests are eating if served, or by 6:45 AM are given a “to-go” breakfast and loading the van
14. Between 6:45-7:00 AM van leaves to return guests to designated pick up / drop off place
15. After guests leave, linens are gathered and prepared for laundry;
Mats are washed with anti-bacterial cleansers/dried, floors mopped, bathrooms cleaned, dishes washed and replaced on shelves.
List any items needing replacing for operation of evening shelter & forward to designated next shift supervisor.
16. All is ready for guests and next shift of volunteers for that evening.
Breaking down the barriers between the segments of our society, helps make us all whole.
The only way to do that is by slowly gaining each other’s trust. Loving, respectful hospitality. Sharing a meal together. Time. Sharing conversation and a bit of who we are make each of us human to the other. We commune. Thus, exists the possibility of true communion with God among us.
By 4:00 PM Night shift coordinator comes to Shelter site to ensure all is ready for the evening, a reminder call has been made to all volunteers the day prior, and if planned, reminder calls also to the provider of the evening meal and the morning breakfast.
1 - Between 4:30 PM and 7:00 PM during Jan & Feb., people wishing to be guests for the night will gather at a designated location in Mount Airy
2 - Guests will be welcomed by the greeting staff, asked specific and pre-determined questions to assist in making certain guests are familiar/comfortable with the (RITI) process and guidelines. These questions are also to help determine if a guest is deemed to be in danger to himself or others. In which case, that guest will be referred to the hospital via MAPD and not allowed to be transported to RITI.
3 – Guests will be transported to the Shelter Site (First Presbyterian) arriving by no earlier than 6:30 PM. Night Shift Volunteers arrive no later than 5:30 PM.
4 – Upon arrival each guest will be asked to register their name, check any baggage they have in a secure area where it will be available to the guest upon check out, then find a place at the table to eat after washing up prior to eating (if a meal has been provided that evening.)
5 – Each guest will be issued a mat, blanket, pillow and toiletry bag and will be instructed in which area to choose his/her space. (Men in one room, women/children in a different room= both with access to restrooms)
6 – If meal is provided, guests will gather, have a blessing, be served at the same time. As guests are eating any welcome words, review of routine schedule & guidelines (including smoking restrictions). Allow guests 30-40 minutes to eat. No guest will be allowed to arrive after 7:00 PM.
7 – Encourage guests to take turns using the restrooms, (hygiene products are available) preparing for lights out.
8- After staff cleans up from meal (guests will assist), any after-meal activity may be set up.
Allowing for guests to participate or not. Adjust depending on age, gender & capabilities of guests
9 – Lights out at specific time; advise what the wake-up time is and how they will be awakened. (Music? Voice?)
10. – Staff are expected to be attending in each sleeping room and change places every few hours. This ensures all guests that safety will be maintained for persons and belongings.
11. Depending on type of breakfast, if cooking or preparing “to-go”, staff begin the morning process at 5:00 AM. Preparing the seated or take-away breakfasts (or receive the donated meals and prepare for distribution)
12: Make sure all guests are up by 5:45 AM, folding mats, and any other issued items.
By 6:15 AM, One volunteer checks off the return of items by each guest
13. By 6:30 AM, all guests are eating if served, or by 6:45 AM are given a “to-go” breakfast and loading the van
14. Between 6:45-7:00 AM van leaves to return guests to designated pick up / drop off place
15. After guests leave, linens are gathered and prepared for laundry;
Mats are washed with anti-bacterial cleansers/dried, floors mopped, bathrooms cleaned, dishes washed and replaced on shelves.
List any items needing replacing for operation of evening shelter & forward to designated next shift supervisor.
16. All is ready for guests and next shift of volunteers for that evening.
Breaking down the barriers between the segments of our society, helps make us all whole.
The only way to do that is by slowly gaining each other’s trust. Loving, respectful hospitality. Sharing a meal together. Time. Sharing conversation and a bit of who we are make each of us human to the other. We commune. Thus, exists the possibility of true communion with God among us.